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Vision Made Possible for 50 Million Children Worldwide

Published: 30.07.2024
Peter Menziuso Company Group Chairman, Vision
Johnson & Johnson
Vision Made Possible for 50 Million Children Worldwide - Josh putting glasses on his face

Every child deserves to see the world clearly. This simple truth drives us forward in the work we do at Johnson & Johnson.  

Education. Jobs. The ability to thrive.  

Healthy vision can be vital to unlocking all of these.  

Now, thanks to Sight For Kids, 50 million children are closer to seeing the world clearly and realizing their full potential. It is a remarkable achievement made possible by decades of focused commitment and collaboration aimed at closing the gap between community and care.  

Sustained Commitment 

Sight For Kids was born out of a belief shared by Johnson & Johnson and the Lions Club International Foundation: every child deserves to have clear and healthy vision.  

For more than two decades, we’ve been putting that belief into action.  

Together, we’ve reached communities spanning the globe, increasing access to eye care for children globally. In addition to providing comprehensive eye screenings, we’ve trained more than 200,000 teachers to deliver eye health education, conduct visual acuity tests, and screen students for common eye conditions. As a result, more than 515,000 pairs of eyeglasses have been distributed, and more than 650,000 students have received eye treatments.  

Beyond the Numbers: Transforming Lives  

Through the program, students not only receive the eye care services they need, but are also better equipped to realize their full potential.  

Ripshita in India and Joshua in New Orleans may not seem to have much in common. But what they share is the potential that has been unlocked, and that potential can ripple through their communities. Ripshita has a reignited passion for art, and Joshua is able to play basketball and has ambitions of becoming an engineer. Both are positioned to thrive and contribute even more than may have previously been possible.  

Addressing a Growing Need: A Call to Do More 

Despite our accomplishments, the need for children’s eye health services continues to grow. According to the IAPB, nearly 450 million children have a sight condition that needs treatment. 

Put simply, we all need to keep working together to raise awareness and drive action to reach more children around the world.  

That is why, as we approach World Sight Day as a proud global partner to IAPB, we reaffirm our commitment to working together to make vision possible for children, and closing the gap between communities and care.

 Our Commitment Doesn’t End Here

In recognition of this need, Sight For Kids continues to grow. We are proud to expand the program to new locations, including Atlanta, Georgia, and Hong Kong, China, later this year. Further expansions are on the horizon.  

With the support of our partners and the global community, we can continue pushing boundaries, innovating, and advocating for children’s eye health. This World Sight Day, let’s build on all we’ve achieved together and help build a future where vision is made possible for every child.