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Resources Library

Browse the IAPB library of resources and publications.

IAPB School Eye Health Guidelines 2024 cover


School Eye Health Guidelines

The IAPB School Eye Health Workgroup has released these guidelines to help deliver standardised comprehensive eye health services to more than 700 million children attending schools around the world.

Inclusiveness and Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities


Report on the Assessment of National Eye Health Strategies

Inclusiveness and Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities

Diabetic Retinopathy: A Call for Global Action


Diabetic Retinopathy: A Call for Global Action

A policy brief developed by IDF and The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) that advocates for a joint approach to prevent and manage vision loss in people living with diabetes by integrating diabetic retinopathy (DR) care into diabetes policies and national health plans.



Vision and eye screening implementation handbook

The WHO Vision and eye screening implementation handbook (VESIH) offers a step-by-step guidance for conducting vision and eye screenings in community and primary care settings.

Glasses for All: Improving Supply to the Poorest


Glasses for All: Improving Supply to the Poorest

This key report sheds light on the often-overlooked supply-side barriers that prevent many in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) from obtaining affordable, quality glasses.

2022-2023 L’OCCITANE Philanthropy Report


2022-2023 L’OCCITANE Philanthropy Report

L’OCCITANE en Provence has always put people at the heart of its operation. For more than 20 years, it has been committed to Caring for Sight, supporting projects around the world that help prevent blindness.

The 2023 Annual Report of CBM's eye care work across its programmes.


A Year In Review- CBM’s Inclusive Eye Health Initiative

The 2023 Annual Report of CBM's eye care work across its programmes. Inclusive, comprehensive and integrated- CBM's Eye Health Initiative reports on it latest work in eye health.

Guidance on the analysis and use of routine health information systems: eye and ear care module


Guidance on the analysis and use of routine health information systems: eye and ear care module

This guidance aims to facilitate the monitoring of both eye and ear care services through presenting a set of core facility indicators along with considerations for analysis and use of routine health information

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) have collaborated to produce a report Eye Health and the World of Work


Eye health and the world of work – ILO Report

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) have collaborated to produce a report on Eye Health and the World of Work

Investment in eye health to prevent sight loss


Investment in eye health to prevent sight loss

This report was authored by the Deloitte Center for Health Economics working with Roche and IAPB

Retinopathy of prematurity in India


Retinopathy of prematurity in India – what can we learn from the polio legacy?

ROP related blindness can be prevented by improving comprehensive preterm care and screening at appropriate time.