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Perceptions Study BHVI 2017

Vision is important in the development and performance of a child1, however 18 million children between the ages 0 and 14 years, globally, are vision impaired from all causes or eye diseases2. Detecting ocular disorders in children is important because ocular disorders can result in serious health problems. Many studies have indicated the need for appropriate vision screening and its correction in children3-5. Visual acuity screening is widely used to identify children with reduced vision. Such screening programs for undetected correctable visual acuity deficits will inevitably identify some children with reduced vision due to causes other than refractive error, for example, cataract or amblyopia (a condition that could become permanent if not identified and treated early)5. For early detection and treatment of eye conditions, vision screening should routinely be done at school entry, midway through school and at completion of primary school6. Visual acuity screening programs vary with regard to the person carrying out the testing, for example teachers; nurses; the defined threshold for failure; and the setting.