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IAPB Member Global Vision 2020 is a 2020 Patents for Humanity Award Winner

Published: 11.11.2020
IAPB Member Global Vision 2020

Video Transcript

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced the latest winners of the Patents for Humanity program, a USPTO initiative promoting game-changing innovations that address long-standing development challenges.

Among the 2020 Patents for Humanity winners is Global Vision 2020, “for developing the USee Vision Kit, used to provide prescription eyeglasses cost-effectively to hundreds of people, particularly in remote parts of the world, who normally do not have access to vision care“. Our congratulations!

The USPTO congratulated the 2020 Patents for Humanity winners and honorable mentions. The award celebrates the contributions such American innovators have “put forth to improve the human condition”.

Patents for Humanity is a global competition open to any patent owners, patent applicants, or patent licensees. Submissions are evaluated on the effectiveness of their technology to address humanitarian issues, the contributions made by applicants to increase use of their technology among the impoverished, and the impact those contributions have made to improve lives.

Read more about the news here, and watch the virtual award ceremony in the video above.

Photo Credits

Image courtesy of the Clinton Health Access Initiative South Africa.