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Founded in 1975, IAPB is the premier eye health body which brings together a unique network of members and membership bodies from across the world.

We are an alliance of over 250 member organisations worldwide drawn from international charities, eye hospitals, academic institutes, professional bodies and corporate organisations.

We are the global voice for the eye care sector working together towards ending avoidable sight loss and everyone having access affordable, accessible and inclusive eye care and rehabilitation services. We were founded in 1975 and have a proud heritage of leading international efforts in the prevention of blindness.

IAPB is recognised as a global leader in eye health advocacy, co-ordinating major campaigns such as World Sight Day (WSD) and leading initiatives like 2030 In Sight, the UN Friends of Vision group, VISION 2020 and Vision for the Commonwealth.

Our key priorities are:

  • Global advocacy: Our objective will be to raise the profile of eye care with key international institutions, so it receives the attention and resources needed to achieve universal access to eye health.
  • Connecting knowledge: Underpinning our activities is our role in providing authoritative data and information and enabling access to up-to-date knowledge, information and practice.
  • Encourage everyone to Love Your Eyes: Leading global campaigns using existing days like World Sight Day to educate the public, governments, and world leaders to help raise the profile of eye health. Working with our global membership to make sure eye health receives the global political, health and development focus it needs and deserves.
  • Strengthening the network: We will support active partnership building both between members and with other key sectors to tackle the barriers to delivering eye care for all.
  • Providing services: We will aim to provide high-quality, economically viable services which add value to members.

Our focus is on a future with Vision and to find out more, see here.

Photo Credits

Banner image: Terry Cooper