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Published: 17.03.2022
Drew Keys IAPB Western Pacific Regional Manager
Amanda Davis

It was terrific to see everyone in person or online at the 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE event in Dubai 2-3 March. At last, many of us, were able to come together in-person. The IAPB President Caroline Casey led the way, calling for radical change if we are to deliver on the goals of 2030 In Sight. Of course, these goals are predicated on the WHO World Report on Vision of 2019. The global eye health sector has answered the challenge of the World Report and raised the stakes –  ending avoidable sight loss by 2030.

IPEC_regionalsessionWith less than a decade to implement these changes, the clock is ticking. Western Pacific, together with the Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia regions led on the Integrated People Centred Eye Care session, which was developed with thanks to the Fred Hollows Foundation and DFAT. We’ll be following up with many of you in the coming weeks and months as this is a great starting point for implementing 2030 In Sight.

It’s not the only starting point, however. Many of you were able to attend systems mapping sessions, which provide another entry point for 2030 In Sight. Thanks to our colleagues at Sympho we were able to learn some of the lessons from the process currently being undertaken in Bangladesh – systems mapping is a challenge, particularly when we start looking beyond the comfort zone of our sector. But it does provide a new perspective and the tools to ‘think outside the box’ as we map the issues in our respective countries.

Most of all, 2030 IN SIGHT provided an opportunity to renew friendships and make new acquaintances. Massive thanks are owed to the 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE sponsors at Noor Dubai and Seva Foundation. Both of these organisations work in the Western Pacific – if you see our colleagues around be sure to tell them how great it was that they helped sponsor this invigorating meeting.

For those who registered but couldn’t attend all of the sessions, please go to the Replay section of the Hopin app.