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Las Actividades más destacadas durante 2021 han sido

Published: 29.11.2021
Dr. Francisco Martínez Castro Regional Chair Latin America

Promover actividades educativas y el interés en nuevos miembros para incorporarse a la IAPB, como la Asociación para Evitar la Ceguera (APEC)

  1. Webinar Focus IAPB Glaucoma y Retinopatía Diabética, promoviendo la misión de IAPB; Actividades de prevención y rehabilitación visual, y el plan de IAPB 2021 – 2030.
  2.  Fortalecer la alianza con la Asociación Panamericana de Oftalmología, mostrándonos juntos con una misma imagen y una misma voz; como durante la celebración del Día Mundial de la Vision y Webinars que contaron con alta asistencia de colegas del continente, los cuales han estado disponibles para puede consultarlos.
  3. Celebración del Día Mundial de la Vision con el aval de la Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmología y con un copatrocinio sumado a la IAPB del Instituto Mexicano de Oftalmología (IMO) en Querétaro y los Laboratorios Roche y Bayer promoviendo una amplia difusión en la medios de comunicación (radio, televisión y prensa).
  4. El vínculo con la optometría de América Latina al contactar a los Directores del Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones en Optometría (CLIO) y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Optometría y Óptica (ALDOO), se espera pronto formalizar la alianza con la IAPB.




Academic activities and promoting interest in new members to join the IAPB, such as the Association to Avoid Blindness (APEC) and other new partners in the region, I would like to highlight what I consider to be the most relevant in my opinion:

1., – Our availability to participate in the Webinar Focus IAPB Glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy, promoting the IAPB image; Likewise, prevention and visual rehabilitation, elements that we have also widely disseminated in the 2021 quarterly Bulletin, in the latter the IAPB 2021 – 2030 plan.

2.- Strengthen the alliance with the Pan American Association of Ophthalmology, a key piece highly recognized by all the national societies of our continent, showing us together most of the time with the same image and the same voice; Proof of this was the celebration of World Sight Day and two previous webinars that had a high attendance of interest from many colleagues on the continent, in addition to which they have been made available to those who did not have the opportunity to witness them at the time and can consult them. . attached to this was the celebration of World Sight Day with the endorsement of the Mexican Society of Ophthalmology and with a co-sponsorship added to the IAPB of the Mexican Institute of Ophthalmology (IMO) in Querétaro and Roche and Bayer Laboratories promoting wide dissemination in the media (radio, television and press).

3.- The link with the optometry of Latin America by contacting the Directors of the Latin American Center for Research in Optometry (CLIO) and the Latin American Association of Optometry and Optics (ALDOO), you loved leading institutions with great influence on Latin American optometry who are in it hopes to formalize an alliance with the IAPB.

Dr. Martínez Castro