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IAPB Blog is home to ideas, policy positions, findings, and stories that provides the context for eye health policy and practice. The views, ideas, technologies or policy positions in these blog posts belong to the authors and do not necessarily describe IAPB's position or views on these matters.


2030 IN SIGHT LIVE gains momentum with The Fred Hollows Foundation  

  • 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE Mexico,
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation


April Brown launches for 2024

Drew Keys / Frank Hida

  • activate,
  • April Brown,
  • Brasil,
  • Brazil,
  • Eye Health Awareness,
  • Get your eyes tested
Member Story


Prevent Blindness Provides Free Resources as Part of April’s Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month

Sarah Hecker

  • women and eye disease,
  • Women's eye health,
  • Women's eyecare,
  • Women's vision


Lo Que Puede Esperar en 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE

Becki Perryman

  • 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE Mexico


What to Expect at 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE

Becki Perryman

  • 2030 In Sight,
  • 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE Mexico
Member Story
Omella Joseph, a worker at the facility demonstrates how the power is supplied and switched whenever power goes off at the facility. CBM partner Hospital Benedictine Eye Hospital in Tororo shifts to use Solar energy to power the hospital. Due to power outages in the region, the hospital decided to explore the option of Solar energy as the new solution.


Solar for Eye Health

Anthony Atiko

  • Universal Health Coverage,
  • WHO
Member Story


Prevent Blindness Encourages Eye Safety for Upcoming Total Solar Eclipse in April

Sarah Hecker

  • eclipse eye protection,
  • eclipse eye safety,
  • eclipse safety,
  • Solar eclipse


National Advocacy Network

Kristine Nyabera / Simon Day

  • Advocacy,
  • Africa,
  • Ghana,
  • National Advocacy Network,
  • Zambia
National Advocacy Networks


National Advocacy Networks for Eye Health in Zambia and Ghana

Kristine Nyabera

  • Advocacy,
  • Africa,
  • Ghana,
  • National Advocacy Network,
  • Zambia
Member Story


Member Testimonial
