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Join IAPBThe current global eye health landscape reflects momentum in awareness with the launch of the WHO World Report on Vision, adoption of World Health Assembly resolutions on IPEC and global targets, and the UN resolution on Vision for Everyone. However, to effectively translate this momentum into tangible impact, a collective effort from all stakeholders within the sector is imperative. The global momentum must translate to the grassroots level, as emphasised by Alarcos Cieza, Unit Head of Sensory Function, Disability, and Rehabilitation at WHO Geneva, during a webinar.
IAPB organised a webinar on the 8th of February with the WHO Vision and Eye Care Program. The interactive webinar aimed to provide an overview of the latest developments from the program and had exciting participation with around 150 attendees. Stuart Keel presented seven major updates from the last 12 months, including the digitisation of ECSAT, integration of eye care equipment and devices into MeDevIS, the Vision and Eye Screening Handbook, the WHOeyes app, 2030 targets on effective coverage of eye care, MyopiaEd, and WHO SPECS 2030.
Moderated by Peter Holland, CEO of IAPB, it was mentioned that the collaboration among IAPB, the eye health sector, and WHO had made the overall momentum possible. It needs to continue in the future for mainstreaming eye health in the health agenda.
At the end of the session, WHO called for the unwavering support of the sector. This encompasses sustained commitment to advocacy, continued collaboration, and the persistent championing of our shared agenda. Furthermore, WHO encouraged the sector to actively share their experiences, elucidating how implemented tools are effectively contributing to the overarching goals.