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World Sight Day celebrations in South-East Asia

Published: 14.12.2022
Yuddha Sapkota Regional Manager South-East Asia

The World Sight Day 2022 reached new heights with screenings organised at the UN and in Parliaments across the globe; IAPB smashing their target of 5 million pairs of eye tests pledged — significant contribution on pledges were counted from the SEA region.

Celebrations included:

  • Bangladesh: Ministry of Eye Health and IAPB members in Bangladesh organized an interaction Programme on eye health.
  • Bhutan: Health Minister and Ministry of health Bhutan pledged their commitment to elevate eye health and acknowledged IAPBs contribution on elevating eye health in Bhutan.
  • Nepal: Health Minister and Health Secretary of Nepal gave a message on World Sight Day, and Ministry of health organized eye test for politicians in all municipals of the country and for journalists at MoH.
  • WHO SEARO also pledge their commitment to improve and implement IPEC on eye health services in the region.
World Sight Day NNJS poster
World Sight Day SEARO message
World Sight Day TIO celebration
World Sight Day Bhutan
World Sight Day Bhutan
World Sight Day in Bangladesh
World Sight Day in Bangladesh poster