Join a powerful, unprecedented alliance for better eye health for all.
Join IAPBThe Refractive Error Strategy Group strives to keep refractive error on the radar of health and development policy makers.
The positive impact that providing refractive services can have on employment, poverty alleviation and education, as well as eye health, has largely gone un-noticed, even as post 2015 development discussions make positive references to the rights of people with disabilities and the need for rehabilitation services.
Thus the Refractive Error Strategy Group has an important advocacy role to keep the issue of refractive error on the radar of health and development policy makers.
The group brings together professionals with a mix of technical and regional knowledge from a broad range of member organisations including the World Council of Optometry, CBM, Optometry Giving Sight, Sightsavers and the Vision Impact Institute.
Get in touch if you are interested in contributing to the group.
The Work Group will meet by teleconference at least twice a year, or face to face where possible. Opportunities for face-to-face meetings, where possible, will be sought around other events that may already see the attendance of the Work Group members.
Membership of the Refractive Error Strategy Group is open to all IAPB members engaged in Refractive Error.
All Work Group members are expected to actively contribute their expertise and knowledge to ensure the group meets its stated objectives.
For more information on the Refractive Error Strategy Group and how to get involved, get in touch!
The Low Vision Group and The School Health Group have merged with the Refractive Error Group to form The Refractive Error Strategy Group.
Vannsav Sun, Heart to Heart International in Cambodia