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School Eye Health Work Group (Archived)

School health programs are a unique opportunity to reach millions of children with eye health services.


Numerous NGOs, across the globe, have successfully established great school eye-health programmes that are delivering eye care to thousands of children every year. The IAPB School Eye Health Work group is learning from these successes and strategizing how to do more – finding solutions to reach more children, raise a higher level of awareness, and educate children and their parents about the importance of eye health.

Activities / priorities

The School Eye Health Work Group are focussing on these 8 areas:

  • Establish standards for school eye health services.
  • Advocate for inclusion of school eye health into school health programmes.
  • Disseminating information on effective programmes to support new programmes, and strengthen existing school health programmes.
  • Support the training, mentoring and capacity building of focal persons in school health, particularly at national level.
  • Maintain and update the school eye health section on the IAPB website.
  • Develop and pilot a school eye health reporting system and database.
  • Communicate regional progress updates on school eye health programmes.
  • Global mapping of school eye health services.


The Work Group will meet by teleconference at least twice a year, or face to face where possible. Opportunities for face-to-face meetings, where possible, will be sought around other events that may already see the attendance of the Work Group members.

Membership of the School Eye Health Work Group is open to all IAPB members engaged in School Eye Health.

All Work Group members are expected to actively contribute their expertise and knowledge to ensure the group meets its stated objectives.

Get involved with the School Eye Health Work Group

For more information on the School Eye Health Work Group and how to get involved, get in touch!

Photo Credits

Graham Coates, Vision Aid Overseas