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2024 in Western Pacific: Advancing Global Eye Health Goals

Published: 13.01.2025
Fabrizio D'Esposito Head of Western Pacific Region

Guided by a strong commitment to the 2030 In Sight Strategy, in 2024 we witnessed significant progress in eye health in the Western Pacific Region, with many members and countries taking meaningful steps toward impactful accomplishments. These achievements reaffirm our commitment and collaborative efforts in advancing global eye health goals.  

Papua New Guinea (PNG) reached a significant milestone with the launch of a new National Eye Health Plan (2024–2029), which reinforced the country’s commitment to integrated, people-centred eye care for all. From a thematic perspective:  

On the sidelines of the APAO Conference in Bali, in February, we launched a joint DR Policy Brief with The International Diabetes Federation.

2024 was also an eventful year for eye health in Samoa as the host of the 2024 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.  

In 2024, the IAPB reaffirmed its commitment to addressing the growing public health challenge of refractive error – and in particular myopia.  The International Myopia Summit, was co-hosted by IAPB and the Singapore Eye Research Institute in January. Key outcomes included a call for unified global advocacy, the development of global guidelines for myopia prevention and treatment, and integrated advocacy linking myopia prevention with broader health issues like diabetes and mental health.  

Elevating the inextricable link between healthy ageing and eye health was another key focus of the year. The IAPB and The Fred Hollows Foundation convened representatives from the vision and ageing sectors for a meeting in Manila, Philippines, to foster partnerships and deepen understanding of this critical link. 

In 2024, IAPB continued to support members across the Western Pacific region, fostering partnerships and driving collective growth through targeted workshops and capacity-building initiatives. This commitment was exemplified through workshops like the Systems Leadership Workshop in Adelaide, Australia, hosted by Sight For All.  

In November, the IAPB led a two-day workshop in Beijing, focussed on evidence-based planning to shape China’s 15th Five-Year National Eye Health Plan (2026–2030) . The event equipped participants with the tools and skills to conduct comprehensive assessment of the eye health system using the WHO’s Eye Care Situational Analysis Tool (ECSAT).  

World Sight Day was a vibrant celebration of collective commitment across the eye health sector, with school screenings in Samoa, Papua New Guinea, and Korea. In New Zealand, campaigns focused on promoting healthy behaviours to reduce the risk of myopia among students, while advocacy events in Australia engaged policymakers and leaders at the federal level.  Johnson & Johnson in Malaysia revived the #LoveYourEyesWork theme, organizing screenings at their regional office.