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Published: 27.10.2023

The António Champalimaud Vision Award is supported by the ‘Vision 2020 – The Right to Sight’ global initiative for blindness prevention, launched in collaboration with the World Health Organization and IAPB.

The Award is attributed every year, recognising research contributions in the field of vision. Productive laboratories/organisations, including collaborative efforts involving groups from more than one institution or domain, can apply for the Award.

Candidates will be considered by a distinguished international jury for the quality and distinction of their work; their achievements and the measurable impact of their pursuit; as well as the enduring amplifying effects of their activities.

The Award jury is composed of a select panel of world-renowned international scientists and outstanding public figures who have dedicated their lives to solving the problems, and meeting the needs, of the developing world.

Candidate eligibility

Leading laboratories, organisations, or projects resulting from collaborative efforts, dedicated to vision research, the preservation and restitution of vision, or to the facilitation of access to such measures by underserved populations, fighting blindness in the field, and the development of new technologies to assist the visually impaired are encouraged to apply. Candidates can be from more than one discipline or institution.

Participation process

The Award is attributed every year to contributions to the relief of vision impairment and new technologies for the blind (mainly in developing countries) and to contributions to research achievements in vision research.

Award entry form

Entry forms are made available online. After being completed, they must be received by the Foundation by January 15th of the year preceding that of the Award.

Follow-up of submitted applications

After receiving the entry forms, the Champalimaud Foundation may contact the candidates and/or their nominators to request additional information.

The Award 

The € 1,000,000 Award can be used in any way that contributes to the invaluable contributions of the winning group/organisation.

If you have any questions or need additional information you can contact us at:
T (+1) 617 959 5277 (EUA)
T (+351) 210 480 200 (Portugal)
Email: [email protected]