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Published: 26.02.2024
Drew Keys Western Pacific Programme Manager

Bali is perfectly geo-located to bring together representatives from IAPB members in both the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia regions. IAPB is working to implement the 2030 In Sight strategy through a systems leadership approach – we are asking our members to consider how they can effect change by thinking outside the box; reaching out to ‘unusual suspects’, engaging new stakeholders and thinking through new ways of doing things.

During the regional cross-over session we focussed-in on DR, to look particularly at the patient journey. Our diverse group of special guest panellists included IAPB SEARO Regional Chair, Dr Rohit Khanna, Dr Jambi Garap from PNG, Dr Navya Cherukuri from LV Prasad Eye Institute and Dr May Ho from the Fred Hollows Foundation. Our first question to the panel was ‘who is missing from this group?’ Of course, the panellists noted that the patient is missing – perhaps not surprising in a room full of practitioners – but ideas around how to best engage lived experience provided for a rich and lively discussion.

After a short intro to systems leadership workshop during the afternoon, the audience was ready to hear different approaches. All panelists agreed that general practitioners are essential to raising awareness, but perhaps most interesting of all – and certainly outside the box – was the suggestion to engage global celebrity ambassadors: Taylor Swift, King Charles, Narendra Modhi and Cristiano Ronaldo were all pitched as great examples of healthy-living influencers.

Photo Credits

Image courtesy of the Clinton Health Access Initiative South Africa.