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Published: 18.09.2024
Courtenay Holden Head of Communications and Campaigns

Every pledge to Love Your (Child’s) Eyes is more than a number—it’s a powerful statement of commitment to accessible, available, and affordable eye care for all children. 

We all know that sight problems are one of the biggest barriers to a child’s success. But the concept is simple. When a child’s vision is corrected, and they can see clearly, they are more likely to attend school and more likely to reach their potential while enrolled. They are able to better engage with their peers and family, and safely navigate their communities. 

And here’s where the power of every pledge shines. It is a simple action. Commit to taking care of children’s eyes. However, each pledge collectively becomes an undeniable call for governments and policymakers to take notice. Every pledge represents a voice in a global chorus calling for eye care for all children. By participating in the Love Your (Child’s) Eyes pledge challenge, your organisation is part of a collective movement advocating for change. 

For World Sight Day, we want to reach one million pledges by 10 October. Each pledge is a step toward ensuring that no child is left behind due to a preventable, or treatable sight condition. It’s a message that children’s eye health must be prioritized, so every child can achieve their full potential. 

While we #LoveYourEyes and the eyes of children everywhere, we ask that eye health be elevated amongst other critical health interventions like vaccines, nutrition and dental checks. 

Submit your pledges before 10 October 2024. Together, we are sending a clear message: children’s vision matters, and it’s time for governments to act. 

Submit your pledges here or by contacting Damilola Bello at [email protected]