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46 results found for: "Universal Health Coverage"

Achieving Universal Health Coverage – how the global trachoma elimination programme is taking us a step closer News | Published: 22nd January 2018
Walking the Walk – Human Resources for Health on UHC Day News | Published: 13th December 2017
Universal Health Coverage: The need to engage as the eye health sector News | Published: 13th December 2017
Celebrating Universal Health Coverage Day 2017 – rising for the right to health of all people News | Published: 12th December 2017
10GA Videos: Symposia News | Published: 12th April 2017
Financing for universal eye health: 8 Reflections on UHC News

The Regional Action Plan for Universal Eye Health in the Western Pacific urges governments to ensure that “essential eye-care, low vision and rehabilitation services are included in national health financing approaches for universal health coverage” and calls on international partners to advocate for coverage of eye-care services by insurance schemes. | Published: 26th May 2016
Sustainable Development Goals: the way ahead News | Published: 24th November 2015
Taking a Systems Approach to Eye Health News | Published: 14th July 2015
New Report Adopts CSC as Health Indicator News | Published: 17th June 2015
Access to health is not a luxury it’s a right News | Published: 9th April 2015