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COVID-19 Resources: Here is what we know

Published: 31.03.2020

The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)pandemic is rapidly changing the way the health and development communities are working. With the proximity of eye health professionals to patients during eye examinations and reports that the virus can cause conjunctivitis, COVID-19 has implications for eye health and eye health professionals. Travel restrictions, reprioritisation of health resources and economic consequences are impacting the work of many of our member and partner organisations.

To assist IAPB members, eye health personnel, health professionals and program personnel, IAPB is collating and sharing information and resources specific to eye health and international development in relation to COVID-19. Without much ado, COVID-19 Resources: Here is what we know…

Please also note our resources in Spanish and French.

Page updated: 28 April 2020.

Eye health

Eye Health Organisations

Literature: COVID-19, Eyes & Vision

Practice Guidelines




Can the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Affect the Eyes? A Review of Coronaviruses and Ocular Implications in Humans and AnimalsIvan Seah , MBBSORCID &Rupesh Agrawal , MDORCID. Journal of Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. Published online: 16 Mar 2020 

Letters to the editor

The possibility of COVID19 transmission from eye to noseHuiling Qing  Zhijie Li  Zhengwei Yang  Menghai Shi  Zixu Huang  Jinghui Song  Zongming Song, Acta Ophthalmologica, First published: 18 March 2020

Contact Lens


Health – COVID information & resources

Live Updates
Prevention & Health Promotion
Health Services
Resource Centres
Online Training



Devex COVID-19 Resources[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

International Development

Socio-economic impact & response
Low & Middle Income Countries 




COVID information & resources 


Humanitarian Response


Vision Impairment News and Blogs



The COVID-19 response must be disability inclusive, Richard Armitage, Laura B Nellums, The Lancet Public Health, published: March 27, 2020.

In order to continue to provide useful information & resources to our community, we are interested to know what further information/resources that may be useful to you or you would like to share with your colleagues . If you have any suggestions, please email me.

Resources included in this list are for information purposes; the inclusion of a resource in this list does not represent an endorsement of its content, language or viewpoint.

Photo Credits

Photo credit: Child raising hand with glasses; HKI-ChildSight Project; photo by Anh Le