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The Excellent Trainer Prize awarded to the provincial training center trainer team by The Chinese National Committee for Prevention Blindness.
”A National Pilot Program of Comprehensive Training for Eyecare Teams at China’s County Hospitals”, one of Seeing is Believing projects in China held the 2017 project annual review meeting in Hebei province. Orbis, worked with the main partner, the Chinese National Committee for Prevention Blindness (NCPB), together with one of implementing partner, Hebei Sheng Eye Hospital to co-organized the meeting during December 8-9th, 2017. Five provincial training centers and county hospital representatives participated in the meeting, to review the project progress to date, to figure out the solutions against variance, as well as share experiences and lessons learned. Three representatives from Yudu county hospital, Handan No.4 county hospital, and Qionglai county hospital gave presentations on the improvements that have occurred in their respective eye departments, as well as the hospital in general hospital after training.
To recognize the achievement and commitment of the trainers and the contributions from each provincial training centers, the Chinese National Committee for Prevention Blindness decided to award the Excellent Trainer Prize to the Ophthalmologist, Nurse, and Optometrist trainers from 5 provincial training centers involved in the project at this meeting. This is also the first national level trainer recognition ever given to a training program. It was also recognized by the National Committee for PBL that the work not only helped within the project but helped inform models of training nationally and would encourage more excellent and qualified trainers to join PBL work in China.
Lexi Wang
[email protected]
Program manager, Orbis China