Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology (LAICO), the training and consulting arm of Aravind Eye Care System (AECS) has been offering a specialized course to train eye hospital administrators and managers since 2000. The course titled Management Training and Systems Development for Eye Hospital Administrators and Managers will run from August 10, 2017 – September 9, 2017.
The course is offered twice a year and has so far trained 330 participants from 33 countries.
This one month course provides:
- The knowledge and tools required for the effective administration of an eye hospital
- An understanding of the various departments in an eye hospital and their functions
- Exposure to management information systems and best practices in eye care
Who can apply?
Administrators, Senior Managers, Operations Managers, Trustees and Proprietors of Eye Hospitals.
Course Fee: Candidates from India and Nepal – Rs 20,000
Overseas Candidates – US $ 750 (+ 15% service tax additional to course fee)
To enroll and more information contact: B. Udayakumar – Faculty Associate
Phone: 0452 4356500 (Extn: 536, 531)
For more information visit: http://www.aurovikas.co.in/WebCourseProfile.aspx?enc=fyq6wyBc4igc8+RKI1WXZU19tAkzm3VBMdV6rNRM143KFnkcKQUBaTZLyPZTnOcs/nZYTij6rbGhgoZgadvtZw==