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WHO’s Weekly Epidemiological Record shows reduction in trachoma prevalence


WHO’s Weekly Epidemiological Record shows reduction in trachoma ...

  • International Coalition for Trachoma Control,
  • Trachoma
Eye Bank of Ethiopia Celebrates 15 Years of Service


Eye Bank of Ethiopia Celebrates 15 Years of Service

  • Africa,
  • corneal blindness,
  • Ethiopia,
  • eye bank,
  • Himalayan Cataract Project,
  • ORBIS,
  • SightLife
A Road map of Indonesia’s visual impairment control programme


A Road map of Indonesia’s visual impairment control programme

  • CSC,
  • Indonesia,
  • RAAB,
  • South East Asia
Vision 2020 Australia


VISION 2020 Australia appoints new CEO

  • Australia,
  • CEO,
  • Vision 2020 Australia,
  • Western Pacific
Eye Banking: SightLife’s Best Practices Guide


Eye Banking: SightLife’s Best Practices Guide

  • corneal blindness,
  • Eye Banking,
  • SightLife
Seva Canada’s new Gender and Blindness booklet


Seva Canada’s new Gender and Blindness booklet

  • Gender,
  • KCCO,
  • Seva Canada
The Australian College of Optometry: Focusing on the disadvantaged


The Australian College of Optometry: Focusing on the disadvantaged

  • Australia,
  • Australian College of Optometry,
  • Diabetes,
  • Western Pacific
Kellogg-led ophthalmology resident programme grows in Ethiopia


Kellogg-led ophthalmology resident programme grows in Ethiopia

  • Africa,
  • Ethiopia,
  • Ophthalmology