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Double Celebration in Hanoi


Double Celebration in Hanoi

  • Vietnam,
  • Western Pacific
Public Health and Ophthalmology Share the Stage at Shanghai Gong-Ji Forum


Public Health and Ophthalmology Share the Stage at Shanghai Gong-Ji Fo...

  • China,
  • Member,
  • Singapore Eye Research Institute,
  • Western Pacific
2018 António Champalimaud Vision Award


2018 António Champalimaud Vision Award

  • Champalimaud Foundation,
  • Featured
OEU Investigates Eye Health in Maldives, Sri Lanka


OEU Investigates Eye Health in Maldives, Sri Lanka

  • Featured,
  • Maldives,
  • Member,
  • Operation Eyesight Universal,
  • South East Asia,
  • Sri Lanka
Born Too Soon


Born Too Soon

  • Blog,
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity
New Fund to Eliminate Onchocerciasis


New Fund to Eliminate Onchocerciasis

  • Africa,
  • Featured,
  • Mectizan,
  • Mectizan Donation Program,
  • Onchocerciasis
ROP in India: Change Is On the Horizon


ROP in India: Change Is On the Horizon

  • India,
  • Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust,
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity,
  • South East Asia
Today is World Prematurity Day : VISION 2020 Workshops and ROP


Today is World Prematurity Day : VISION 2020 Workshops and ROP

  • Eastern Europe,
  • Eye Samaritans International,
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity,
  • Romania,
  • Russia,
  • VISION 2020 Workshop
Working to tackle ROP in Eastern Europe


Working to tackle ROP in Eastern Europe

  • Retinopathy of Prematurity
Integrating ROP into neonatal care


Integrating ROP into neonatal care

  • Retinopathy of Prematurity