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Is the light shining brighter for glaucoma patients?

  • Europe,
  • Glaucoma,
  • World Glaucoma Week,
  • World Glaucoma Week 2020


Rethinking glaucoma care

  • Eastern Mediterranean,
  • EMRO,
  • Glaucoma,
  • World Glaucoma Week,
  • World Glaucoma Week 2020


The Association of Caribbean Glaucoma Surgeons (ACGS): focusing the sp...

  • Caribbean,
  • Glaucoma,
  • North America,
  • World Glaucoma Week,
  • World Glaucoma Week 2020
Education – as a blindness prevention tool for glaucoma


Education – as a blindness prevention tool for glaucoma

  • Glaucoma,
  • Latin America,
  • World Glaucoma Week,
  • World Glaucoma Week 2020


Why is treating glaucoma with eye drops so difficult?

  • Africa,
  • Featured,
  • Glaucoma,
  • World Glaucoma Week,
  • World Glaucoma Week 2020


Research offers new hope in glaucoma battle

  • Australia,
  • centre for eye research australia,
  • Featured,
  • Research,
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation,
  • Western Pacific,
  • World Glaucoma Week,
  • World Glaucoma Week 2020,
  • World Report on Vision
World Report on Vision Launch Event PNG


World Report on Vision Launch Event PNG

  • Advocacy,
  • Country launches,
  • IAPB West Pac newsletter April 2020,
  • Papua New Guinea,
  • Western Pacific,
  • World Report on Vision


Unpacking Gender Equity Interventions

This project was born from the realisation that while we know what barriers women face in accessing eye care services, we also know that we have some assumptions about what might mitigate these barriers.


IAPB Gender Equity Work Group Toolkit

The Gender Equity Toolkit provides practical content as well as links to existing resources and materials from IAPB members.

Happy International Women’s Day 2020!


Happy International Women’s Day 2020!

  • Featured,
  • IAPB Gender Equity Work Group,
  • International Women's Day,
  • International Women's Day 2020


Achieving Gender Equity in Eye Health

Vision impairment is a gender issue - women and girls are more likely to suffer from it than men or boys.



Light for the World: “Walking the Talk” – Good Practices in ...

  • IAPB Gender Equity Work Group,
  • International Women's Day,
  • International Women's Day 2020,
  • Light for the World