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ICEH’s Course on Diabetic Eye Disease: Strengthening Services to Prevent Blindness


ICEH’s Course on Diabetic Eye Disease: Strengthening Services to...

  • course,
  • Diabetic Eye Disease,
  • ICEH,
  • ICEH courses 2019,
  • The International Centre for Eye Health
ICEH’s free online course on Global Blindness starts Jan 2019


ICEH’s free online course on Global Blindness starts Jan 2019

  • course,
  • Global Blindness,
  • ICEH,
  • ICEH courses 2019,
  • The International Centre for Eye Health
Call for Nominations for 2019 Jenny Pomeroy Award for Excellence in Vision and Public Health


Call for Nominations for 2019 Jenny Pomeroy Award for Excellence in Vi...

  • Award,
  • North America,
  • Prevent Blindness
One Size Does Not Fit All: Maximizing Diabetic Retinopathy Visual Impairment Control through Diversified Approaches


One Size Does Not Fit All: Maximizing Diabetic Retinopathy Visual Impa...

  • Eastern Mediterranean,
  • TADDS,
  • World Diabetes Day,
  • World Diabetes Day 2018
Shifting the needle: DR Barometer championing innovative solutions to support those impacted by diabetic eye disease


Shifting the needle: DR Barometer championing innovative solutions to ...

  • Bayer,
  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • DR Barometer,
  • International Diabetes Federation,
  • World Diabetes Day,
  • World Diabetes Day 2018
Tackling Diabetic Retinopathy in the occupied Palestinian territories


Tackling Diabetic Retinopathy in the occupied Palestinian territories

  • CBM,
  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • Europe,
  • Jordan,
  • Palestine,
  • St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group,
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation,
  • World Diabetes Day,
  • World Diabetes Day 2018
LCIF Enhances Grant Support for Diabetes


LCIF Enhances Grant Support for Diabetes

  • Diabetes,
  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • Lions Clubs International Foundation,
  • Uganda,
  • World Diabetes Day,
  • World Diabetes Day 2018,
  • World Sight Day 2018
Inspiring Action, Promoting Change — Integrated care for diabetes and eye health


Inspiring Action, Promoting Change — Integrated care for diabete...

  • Diabetes,
  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • World Diabetes Day,
  • World Diabetes Day 2018
Helping millions get access to diabetic retinopathy care in Barisal


Helping millions get access to diabetic retinopathy care in Barisal

  • Bangladesh,
  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • South East Asia,
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation,
  • The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust,
  • World Diabetes Day,
  • World Diabetes Day 2018
How the Trust is tackling blindness caused by diabetes in India


How the Trust is tackling blindness caused by diabetes in India

  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • India,
  • South East Asia,
  • The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust,
  • World Diabetes Day,
  • World Diabetes Day 2018
Fighting an epidemic in the Pacific Islands: Vanuatu


Fighting an epidemic in the Pacific Islands: Vanuatu

  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • Pacific,
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation New Zealand,
  • The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust,
  • Vanuatu,
  • Western Pacific,
  • World Diabetes Day,
  • World Diabetes Day 2018
IAPB WPR Focus: Editorial November 2018


IAPB WPR Focus: Editorial November 2018

  • 11GA,
  • China,
  • Eye Health Heroes,
  • Western Pacific,
  • World Sight Day