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World Sight Day 2018 celebrations in the Western Pacific


World Sight Day 2018 celebrations in the Western Pacific

  • Fiji,
  • South Korea,
  • Western Pacific,
  • World Sight Day,
  • World Sight Day 2018
Launch of Korean Eye Care Working Group


Launch of Korean Eye Care Working Group

  • Good People International,
  • Korean Eye Care working group,
  • Project BOM,
  • South Korea,
  • Western Pacific,
  • World Sight Day
Diabetes related vision problems a concern in PNG capital


Diabetes related vision problems a concern in PNG capital

  • Brien Holden Vision Institute,
  • Diabetes,
  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • Papua New Guinea,
  • Western Pacific
First Vietnamese-trained optometrists herald new hope for Vietnam’s national eye health


First Vietnamese-trained optometrists herald new hope for Vietnam’s ...

  • Brien Holden Vision Institute,
  • Optometry,
  • Vietnam,
  • Western Pacific
Dr. Rand Carpenter joins MDP


Dr. Rand Carpenter joins MDP

  • Mectizan Donation Program
Vision Aid Overseas welcomes five new Trustees


Vision Aid Overseas welcomes five new Trustees

  • IAPB Africa newsletter March 2019,
  • Trustees,
  • Vision Aid Overseas
The Barcelona Principles now available in five languages


The Barcelona Principles now available in five languages

  • centre for eye research australia,
  • Eye Banking,
  • The Global Alliance of Eye Bank Association
Eye Care Everywhere For PNG


Eye Care Everywhere For PNG

  • Brien Holden Vision Institute,
  • CBM,
  • Lions Clubs International Foundation,
  • Papua New Guinea,
  • RAAB,
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation,
  • Western Pacific,
  • workshop,
  • World Sight Day
Vacancy: Faculty Teaching Ophthalmologist – Suva, Fiji


Vacancy: Faculty Teaching Ophthalmologist – Suva, Fiji

  • Fiji,
  • Jobs,
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation New Zealand
Essilor appoints Prof Kovin Naidoo Senior Vice President of Inclusive Business, Philanthropy and Social Impact


Essilor appoints Prof Kovin Naidoo Senior Vice President of Inclusive ...

  • Brien Holden Vision Institute,
  • Essilor
How do we ensure eye care is everywhere?


How do we ensure eye care is everywhere?

  • India,
  • Nepal,
  • Operation Eyesight Universal,
  • Our Children's Vision,
  • South East Asia
Connect and Learn with IAPB this Autumn/Winter


Connect and Learn with IAPB this Autumn/Winter

  • Eye Banking,
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity,
  • School eye health,
  • webinars,
  • World Sight Day