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World Sight Day shines a light on the world of work

Published: 05.06.2023
Love Your Eyes At Work

This year, World Sight Day is focusing on the world of work and highlighting the critical importance of prioritising eye care. From employee productivity and safety to businesses taking the necessary steps to ensure their workforce, at all levels, are aware of the measures to protect their eyesight and access eye care wherever and whenever they need it. 

“We know that the world is a safer, more productive place when eye health is prioritised. The research paints a clear picture of the impact eye care has on the workforce. For example, correcting vision with glasses increases productivity by more than 20%, decreases rates of early retirement, and results in safer drivers. It is knowledge like this that has led us to focus World Sight Day 2023 on addressing the gap in understanding that eye care is an important investment that makes positive, measurable differences to employees and employers,” said Peter Holland, CEO, IAPB. 

Under the theme, Love Your Eyes at Work, people from farms to factory floors, from taxi ranks to tech startups, will be following the lead of IAPB and its network of eye health organisations around the world to focus on how everyone can play a part in making eye care a priority in the workplace. Employees are encouraged to talk to their human resource representatives and understand the eye care they are entitled to, and if eye care isn’t an employee benefit, IAPB is providing the tools to help employees champion its inclusion. Employers will be made aware of the positive impact of this highly cost-effective intervention.

World Sight Day has many opportunities to get involved. Including inviting 10 million individuals and businesses to pledge to #LoveYourEyes in the lead up to 12 October 2023; challenges workplaces around the world to screen the eye health of employees as part of the Global Challenge; calls on amateur and professional photographers to share their work that best represents how eye care has a positive impact by participating in the 8th Annual World Sight Day Photo Competition; and calls on everyone to visit the website and join the campaign by downloading social media assets, toolkits and information packs to kickstart your own campaign initiatives.    

“We know that we are louder when we come together. Therefore, I invite everyone to join us this World Sight Day, make the campaign your own, be bold and create a movement that cannot be overlooked,” encouraged Peter Holland. 

World Sight Day is made possible with support from World Sight Day Global Partners. IAPB thanks AbbVie, Bayer, CBM, Horizon, Hoya, National Vision, Novartis, Roche and Seva Foundation for their leadership and continued support.  

Pledges to #LoveYourEyes and the World Sight Day Photo Competition will open in July. IAPB invites everyone to get involved. To support your planning efforts, visit our Toolkits & Resources page and find out how you can get involved in this year’s Global Challenge. 

Photo Credits

Image courtesy of the Clinton Health Access Initiative South Africa.