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Member Story
Screening a child


  • Blog

Hope in sight: Qantas flight crew revisits community to bring eye checks

  • Philippines,
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation
Hridoy, a 13 year-old boy who likes to read using the Braille method/Syed Sajidul Islam


  • Blog

Statement of the World Blind Union on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities,
  • World Blind Union
An Important Reminder on International Day of Persons with Disabilities


  • Blog

An Important Reminder on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Babar Qureshi

  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Holly holding Love Your Eyes button


  • Blog

Love Your Eyes, Love New York

Holly Aindow

  • Love Your Eyes,
  • UN,
  • World Sight Day,
  • World Sight Day 2022
WHO meeting Singapore


  • Blog

Regional Progress on Integrated People-Centred Eye Care (IPEC)


  • Integrated people-centred eye care
WHA session


  • Blog

WHO Round up 2022

Junu Shrestha

  • Global Status Report on 2030 Eye Care Targets,
  • Integrated people-centred eye care,
  • Myopia,
  • Tobacco,
  • World Health Assembly,
  • World Health Organization
Case Study
Best-practice features of diabetic retinopathy treatment models for Indigenous Australians


  • Blog

Best-practice features of diabetic retinopathy treatment models for Indigenous Australians

Rosamond Gilden

  • Australia,
  • Diabetic Retinopathy,
  • Indigenous Australians
Retinoblastoma patient, Ruharo Eye Centre, Mbarara, Uganda,Terry Cooper, Professional, Children, Primary care, Assistive devices, Workplace


  • News

Retinoblastoma in children: profound inequities still exist

  • Child Eye Health,
  • Focus on Child Eye Health,
  • Retinoblastoma
Eye care in health systems: Guide for action video


  • Video

This video summarises the Eye care in health systems: Guide for action and its four accompanying tools, developed to support health planners and Member States in the planning and implementation of integrated people-centred eye care (IPEC).

What are eREC and eCSC?


  • Video

Learn more about effective refractive error coverage (eREC) and effective cataract surgical coverage (eCSC) – the two new ambitious global targets for 2030.