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Eye Care Indicator Menu (WHO)


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2030 IN SIGHT Action Planning – Pushing the Agenda Forward

Jessica Thompson

  • 2030 In Sight,
  • 2030 In Sight Strategy


  • News

Apply for ECOSOC Consultative Status

  • 2030 In Sight,
  • Advocacy,
  • United Nations


  • Blog

Models for Evaluation of Vision Centres

Prem Kumar SG / Franklin Daniel / Shajer Shaikh

  • India,
  • Mission For Vision
Universal Health Coverage and Eye Health: New Targets for a New Decade


  • Video

This webinar reviews eye health as part of Universal Health Coverage and the implementation of two new ambitious global targets for 2030.

Global Eye Health – One Billion Untreated


  • Video

1.1 billion people were living with untreated vision impairment in 2020, and this is expected to grow to 1.8 billion by 2050. Yet over 90% of vision loss could be prevented or treated with existing, highly cost-effective interventions.


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West Bengal implements a state-wide eye health programme

VISION 2020 INDIA advocacy brings ‘Light for the eyes’ (Choker Alo) in West Bengal

  • VISION 2020 India
Ambassador Fatima


  • Blog

A UN Resolution for Eye Health?

Jessica Crofts-Lawrence

  • UN,
  • UN Friends of Vision Group,
  • UN resolution,
  • UNFoV