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Member Engagement Groups

Share. Collaborate. Advance. Shape the future of eyecare

IAPB Member Engagement Groups offer a platform for members to exchange ideas, develop strategies, and address challenges in availability and accessibility of eye health services till the last mile By joining the group, you can bring forward your organization’s expertise and contributions to help shape collective voice through IAPB policies and positions in critical areas.

Recognizing that IAPB member engagement groups are essential to achieving the 2030 In Sight strategy, we have streamlined groups into two primary categories:

Member Led Groups

These dynamic groups are driven by IAPB members who are passionate about advancing the 2030 In Sight strategy bringing together diverse expertise to promote best practices and share vital knowledge in eye health. By joining a Work Group, you will collaborate with global peers, contribute to meaningful discussions, and help shape the future of eye care.

Strategy Implementation Groups

Led by the IAPB secretariat, these action-oriented groups are designed to fast-track specific elements of the 2030 In Sight strategy. With a mix of IAPB staff, subject matter experts, and select members, these groups work together to implement key strategic priorities.

IAPB Work Group FAQs

These IAPB Workgroups FAQs should answer most of your questions on how to join them, form new groups or to participate in them effectively.

All members can initiate expert groups to address ongoing longer term issues and promote knowledge, collaborative activities and good practice around those.

The IAPB Board may also from time to time set up strategy groups to focus on specific areas of the IAPB strategic plan (with clear rules on membership, expected outcomes and timetable to achieve those).

For example, members’ expert groups may concern ‘vertical’ topics such as specific eye diseases, particular areas around the management of eye care projects, fundraising practices, or more; or groups may be formed with a ‘horizontal’ focus, for example similar organisations getting together to share common challenges and solutions (such as eye hospitals, or research institutes, etc.).

IAPB has already a number of active work groups dealing with key topics in eye health. Before thinking of starting a new group check whether your particular area of interest is already addressed by one of them.

If you want to know more, do get in touch.

All requests to create a work group must include:

  • Specific area or theme the group wishes to address;
  • The name of at least five member organisations promoting the initiative;
  • Draft terms of reference.

There is no single recipe for how to run a work group, however successful and effective groups are normally characterised by clear provisions with regards to:

  • The group’s objectives
  • The role and rotation of the Chair and Secretary
  • Structure and decision-making processes
  • Expectations and responsibilities of members
  • Meeting logistics and notes keeping
  • Transparency and accountability

Here is a template terms of reference to use as guidance.

Membership of IAPB expert groups must be open to all members who wish to participate and have the necessary expertise and/or commitment to engage constructively.

All requests to set up an IAPB Work Group are assessed by the Board, or a delegated body thereof. Simply email the Secretariat with your request in order to start the process.

Once up set up, IAPB work groups are predominantly self-running entities; however, a few clear rules will help keep their focus and alignment with IAPB’s values.

  • Work groups are safe spaces for members to share and exchange expertise and good practice and all members are expected to participate in an open and constructive way, respectful of any different approach or position that may be present within the membership.
  • It is expected that any position statement a work group may wish to put forward is, as far as possible, based on evidence.
  • Before a new position statement related to the work group’s theme can be formally declared as an IAPB position, it must be approved by the IAPB Board. External communications based on already approved positions do not need clearance.
  • Work groups should have clear goals and regularly report to the Board of Trustees about activities undertaken in the pursuit of those.
  • Work groups are expected to maintain clear records of their discussions and be prepared to share them via the IAPB website.
  • The Board, or delegated body thereof, will periodically review activities of all work groups and make any relevant decision about their focus and continuity.

The IAPB Secretariat will provide the support needed to create and populate work groups-related pages on the IAPB website to ensure transparency and disseminate information to the wider membership. The work groups will be responsible for all content and updates of their work including meeting minutes, discussion papers, reports, etc.

The Secretariat would also endeavour to allocate space and time to work groups that request to meet around IAPB Board and Council meetings and assist with online forums such as webinars – but timings will need to be subsidiary to the needs of governance and priority will be given to board committees and strategy groups.

If you are interested in joining any of the IAPB work groups above, do get in touch.

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