Join a powerful, unprecedented alliance for better eye health for all.
Join IAPBIntegrated people-centred eye care (IPEC) is a key part of the Integrate pillar of the 2030 In Sight strategy, as it has the potential to address many challenges to delivering effective eye care services.
A snapshot of key strategies, resources and learning experiences around integrated people-centred eye care.
Introducción al IPEC es un curso de autoaprendizaje gratuito que le permitirá comprender mejor qué es el IPEC, qué pretende conseguir y por qué es importante.
IPEC aims to engage people and communities, reorient the model of care towards primary care, coordinate services within and across sectors and create an enabling environment.
Introduction to IPEC is a free, self-paced elearning course about integrated people-centred eye care (IPEC).
IAPB is helping to drive IPEC forward. Explore the need for eye care in your country or region with the Vision Atlas, look into specific issues in eye health and IPEC with ‘Focus On’, actively engage in advocacy and drive integrated action through Advocacy to Action, or join a thematic Work Group for unified action.
The IAPB Vision Atlas presents the very latest eye health data and evidence.
‘Focus On’ is IAPBs in-depth series looking into specific issues in eye health including eye conditions and related areas of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Advocacy to Action is IAPB’s learning and development series on global advocacy. A new global agenda for eye health – be a part of the conversation.
Opportunities for members to share knowledge, strengthen networks and shape IAPB policies and positions in key areas of global eye health delivery.
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Daud Khan
Fatima Zehra
Kira N. Baldonado, MPH
Evelyn Huang
Jude Stern / Anthea Burnett
Niranjan Pehere / Rohit Khanna / Rajashekar Varada
Integrated people-centred eye care is central to 2030 In Sight, which calls us to INTEGRATE eye health in wider health care systems. Learn more here.
2030 IN SIGHT is the sector’s strategic plan for the next decade, a call to action which outlines how we can end avoidable sight loss.
The challenge is more complex than ever before, the numbers are greater and the inequalities are only increasing. Therefore our ambition has to match this scale.
Join a powerful, unprecedented alliance for better eye health for all.
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